SPARKLE Kit - NEW Compact Design Including Early Readers Addition Set

$575.00 AUD
Systematic Phonics and Reading Knowledge Levelled Evaluation - SPARKLE Assessment Kit
The SPARKLE Kit is a testing series that has been created for teachers to evaluate and monitor the reading skills of their students. The SPARKLE Kit consists of 8 screeners, 16 texts (in Main Fiction Series) and 8 texts (in Early Reader Series) that assess decoding skills, text comprehension and fluency. Systematically sequenced into 8 levels, the SPARKLE Kit includes comprehensive student recording forms to assist teachers to accurately determine reading proficiency.
Individually administered, the student screener and reading evaluation data can be used for instructional planning purposes and to formulate interventions.
The SPARKLE Kit was predominantly designed as an assessment tool to be used alongside the Decodable Readers Australia books. However, this resource is a tool that provides educators with a comprehensive report detailing the reading skills that a student has or has not acquired regardless of the instructional program used.
- 1 Screener Student Book
- 1 Screener Evaluation Recoding Sheet Main Fiction Testing (digitally)
- 1 Screener Evaluation Recoding Sheet Early Reader Testing (digitally)
- Book A Main Fiction Student Text
- Book A Main Fiction Reading Evaluation Recording Sheet (digitally)
- Book A Main Fiction Reading Evaluation Recording Sheet - Shortened Version (digitally)
- Book B Main Fiction Student Text
- Book B Main Fiction Reading Evaluation Recording Sheet (digitally)
- Book B Main Fiction Reading Evaluation Recording Sheet - Shortened Version (digitally)
- Early Reader Student Text
- Early Reader Reading Evaluation Recording Sheet (digitally)
The SPARKLE Kit is a compact, transportable resource. The removable lid fits snuggly under the kit to provide a sturdy base when the kit is open. The teacher evaluation manual provides an implementation script for both the screeners and the student texts to help ensure procedural consistency can be achieved.