Assessment - Data Collection, Analysis, Response - Series 6
SPARKLE Implementation Training
Use this video as part of your staff training, alongside the handbook, for the implementation of the SPARKLE Kit.
Episode 1: Introduction To RTI (Response To Intervention)
Guest Presenter, Julie Scali, from Literacy Impact, helps us deepen our knowledge of RTI (Response to Intervention). To find out more visit https://www.literacyimpact.com.au
Episode 2: When a Running Record Level Just Doesn't Cut It - What Reading Data Should I Really Be Collecting?
As educators we need to be collecting data on skills and knowledge, rather than just a running record number. We need to dig down and analyse the skills of beginner readers and identify where the gaps are. This video will take you through some assessment tools that will allow educators to gather and respond to the right data.
Episode 3: Responding to Phonics Data - How do I differentiate my instruction to match my data?
It is important that we collect early phonics data and differentiate our teaching instruction to respond to the data collected. Learn how to use the SPARKLE data (Systematic Phonics And Reading Knowledge Levelled Evaluation) to then provide learning experiences that meets the needs for all your students.