What the Experts Say - Series 7 (A collection of our favourite YouTube Clips)
Cognitive Science and the Reading Wars
Whole word memorisation vs Phonics and how the brain responds.
Reading Process in the Brain
Listen to cognitive neuroscientist Stanislas Dehaene explain the importance of using science to understand what is happening in the brain when a child reads.
Leading the Science of Reading (and learning)
Professor Pamela Snow unpacks the science of reading in an easily digestible yet comprehensive way for educators.
The 44 Sounds of Australian English
The correct pronunciation of the phonemes when teaching reading.
What is Orthographic Mapping?
Lyn Stone does a great job explaining Professor Linnea Ehri's research around orthographic mapping.
A Concise Explanation of the Science of Reading
A short sharp video explaining the multidisciplinary research around the Science of Reading.
The Importance of Explicit Instruction
Learn about Explicit Instruction and how it benefits children with learning new skills.
Teaching Reading Comprehension - The Knowledge Gap
Natalie Wexler challenges the traditional way to teaching Reading Comprehension moving away from strategies to knowledge building.
Morphology Matters: Using Bases & Affixes to Develop Vocabulary in Students of All Ages
A great video to show how words work beyond phonics
Tom Sherrington - Barak Rosenshine's Principles Of Instruction Paper
Explore the Principles of Instruction, grouping the 10 principles into four main themes linking the evidence from research to the practical implications for teachers. What do more effective teachers do? Why does this work? What are the models of learning that underpin the strategies?
Lose The Rules: Multi-syllable Words Made Easy
This video explains how reading multisyllabic words doesn't require heaps of syllable division rules for students. It also explains the best way to teach the schwa sound.
Vocabulary and Comprehension
A panel of experts discuss the importance of teaching vocabulary to young kids to strengthen comprehension skills.
Reading Fluency
Dr. Jan Hasbrouck discusses reading fluency in depth.
Small Group Reading Instruction
Linda Diamond, author Teaching Reading Sourcebook and Assessing Reading: Multiple Measures, will document the research that supports word recognition skills taught in small groups from the start. She will discuss the advantages of small group, differentiated word recognition instruction for advanced children and for young children experiencing early difficulty.
Eyes on Reading
Our brains hold the key to creating a world where nearly all children can become skilled readers. Acclaimed journalist Emily Hanford delves into this urgent topic with Dr. Stanislas Dehaene, one of the world’s foremost experts on learning and the brain.
A Round Table on Phonics Instruction
An amazing discussion with the experts including Professor Pamela Snow who uses some amazing analogies! This discussion addresses what phonics instruction is best. It also addresses the effective definition of Phonemic Awareness as well as myths around syllable types and multi sensory learning.